Ernie Chan

 « Christopher Cerasi
Bernard Chang » 

Conan el bárbaro #172-194
Conan the Barbarian 172-177 (1985)
Conan the Barbarian 178-189 (1986)
Conan the Barbarian 190-194 (1987)
Conan the Barbarian Annual 10 (1985)
Conan the Barbarian Annual 11 (1986)
John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Sean Chen, Val Semeiks
Conan. Las tiras de
prensa #1978-1979

John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Roy Thomas
Conan. Las tiras de
prensa #1980-1981

Alfredo Alcalá, Ernie Chan,
Roy Thomas
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1978-1

Savage Sword of Conan 25-32 (1978) John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Roy Thomas
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1978-2

Savage Sword of Conan 33-36 (1978)
Conan Super Special 2 (1977)
Conan Super Special 9 (1978)
John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Gene Colan, Roy Thomas
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1981-2

Savage Sword of Conan 64-71 (1981) John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Michael Fleischer, Gil Kane y otros
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1982-1

Savage Sword of Conan 72-77 (1982) Alfredo Alcalá, John Buscema,
Ernie Chan, Chris Claremont y otros
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1982-2

Savage Sword of Conan 78-83 (1982) Alfredo Alcalá, John Buscema,
Ernie Chan, Michael Fleischer y otros
La espada salvaje de
Conan #1983-1

The Savage Sword of Conan 84-90 (1983)
Marvel Comics Super Special 1 (1983)
Alfredo Alcalá, John Buscema,
Ernie Chan, Michael Fleischer y otros
Kull el destructor
Creatures on the Loose 10 (1971)
Kull the Conqueror 1-2 (1971)
Kull the Conqueror 3-5 (1972)
Kull the Conqueror 6-10 (1973)
Conan the Barbarian 10 (1971)
Monsters on the Prowl 16 (1972)
Kull the Destroyer 11 (1973)
Kull the Destroyer 12-15 (1974)
Kull the Destroyer 16-18 (1976)
Kull the Destroyer 19-24 (1977)
Kull the Destroyer 25-29 (1978)
Kull and the Barbarians 1-3 (1975)
The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian 9 (1975)
Conan the Barbarian Annual 3 (1977)
Ernie Chan, Gerry Conway,
Steve Englehart, Don Glut y otros
Pocket de Ases #11
Los 4 Fantásticos
Marvel Two-In-One 35, 36 (1977)
Giant Size Fantastic Four 2 (1974)
Marvel Two-In-One Annual 3 (1978)
Fantastic Four 31 (1964)
Marvel Team-Up 26, 29 (1974)
Tales of Suspense 4 «Beware the Robots» (1959)
John Buscema, Sal Buscema,
Ernie Chan, Gerry Conway y otros
Pocket de Ases #17
Detective Comics 386-388, 390 (1969)
Detective Comics 408-409 (1971)
Detective Comics 451 (1975)
Batman 215 (1969)
Batman 234 (1971)
Batman 316 (1979)
Ross Andru, Jim Aparo,
John Broome, Bob Brown y otros
Relatos Salvajes vol. 1 #67
Conan. La hija de la

Savage Sword of Conan 28-29 (1978) John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Roy Thomas
Skull the Slayer
Skull the Slayer 1-2 (1975)
Skull the Slayer 3-8 (1976)
Marvel Two-in-One 35-36 (1978)
Sal Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Steve Englehart, Bill Mantlo y otros
Super Conan #2
Savage Sword of Conan 53-55 (1980)
Savage Sword of Conan 71 (1981)
Savage Sword of Conan 68 (1981)
John Buscema, Ernie Chan,
Roy Thomas