Ciclón Almanaque #1941 Superman Daily Strips 259-287 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #1 Superman Daily Strips 1-30 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #2 Ciclón Boxeador Superman Daily Strips 31-54 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel |
Ciclón, el Superhombre #3 La fórmula maldita Superman Daily Strips 55-56 (1939) Superman 2 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #4 El drama del orfanato Superman Daily Strips 188-258 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #8 La ciudad condenada Superman Daily Strips 289-302 (1939) Superman Daily Strips 303-322 (1940) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel |
Ciclón, el Superhombre #9 El submarino pirata Superman 3 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #10 Conspiración frustrada Superman Daily Strips 163-187 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #11 Servicio secreto Superman Daily Strips 322-352 (1940) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel |
Ciclón, el Superhombre #12 El andamio maldito Superman Daily Strips 67-90 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #15 Ciclón contra Hércules Action Comics 28 (1940) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel | Ciclón, el Superhombre #16 El caso Norval Superman 6 (1939) Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel |
DC Greatest Imaginary Stories Ever Told Captain Marvel Adventures 66 (1946) Batman vol. 1 127 (1959) Lois Lane 19 (1960) Superman vol. 1 149 (1961) Jimmy Olsen 57 (1961) The Flash vol. 1 128 (1962) Batman vol. 1 151 (1962) Superman vol. 1 162 (1963) Lois Lane 51 (1964) Superman vol. 1 166 (1964) World's Finest 172 (1967) C. C. Beck, Otto Binder, John Broome, Leo Dorfman y otros | The Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told #1 Superman vol. 1 4 (1940) Superman vol. 1 13 (1941) Look Magazine (1943) Superman vol. 1 30 (1944) Superman vol. 1 53 (1948) Superman vol. 1 123 (1958) Action Comics vol. 1 241 (1958) Superboy vol. 1 68 (1958) Superman vol. 1 129 (1959) Superman vol. 1 145 (1961) Superman vol. 1 149 (1961) Superman vol. 1 162 (1963) Forever People 1 (1970) Superman vol. 1 247 (1972) Superman Annual vol. 1 11 (1985) Superman vol. 2 2 (1986) Otto Binder, Wayne Boring, John Byrne, Bill Finger y otros | The Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told #2 Superman vol. 1 30 (1944) * Superman vol. 1 132 (1959) Superman vol. 1 141 (1960) Superman vol. 1 167 (1964) Superman vol. 1 233 (1971) Superman vol. 1 400 (1984) Superman vol. 2 2 (1986) * Adventures of Superman 500 (1993) Adventures of Superman 638 (2005) Cary Bates, Otto Binder, Wayne Boring, Mathew Clark y otros |